Finished Projects: Tamitik

My New Goal for 2020 is that every time I finish a project I will do a finished objects post here on my blog.  I have been a long-time user of the site Ravelry and last year I managed to be really consistent with creating and updating project pages for my wips and finished projects.  Now I want to take that a step further and create a post for each of them here.  It will contain the same information that you will find on my Ravelry project pages, however, I may add more detail here for a few of the projects.  That way, if you are a reader of the blog and don't have access to Ravelry, or don't want to sign up for an account, you can still keep up with my finished objects here.  So kicking it off this year I'm starting with the Tamitik hat by Shannon Cook.

By: Shannon Cook

Yarn Used: Plymouth Aireado
Yardage Totals: 0.29 skeins = 82.1 yards (75.1 meters), 29 grams
Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm) & US 9 (5.5mm)
Size Made: Large

Start Date: Jan. 4th, 2020
End Date: Jan. 5th, 2020

Pattern Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yarn Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is a good pattern for a beginner knitter to learn an interesting new way to use your basic knit and purl stitch.  It is simple, straightforward, and easy to follow.  If you have learned how to knit in the round and made a simple hat, this is a great next step.  Plus, this is a bulky yarn project so it's quick.

Plymouth Aireado is a bulky weight yarn that is an alpaca, nylon, and wool blend.  It is a very fuzzy yarn and creates a beautiful finished project with a halo.  It is also extremely lightweight.  However, this yarn is slightly tricky to knit with if you are an inexperienced knitter as the fuzz inhibits your view of the stitches slightly.  If you are concerned about having visible stitches while working on this project I would suggest you look for another yarn.  For a beginner, I would recommend something like Berroco Vintage Chunky because it does not have the fuzz factor and your stitches are easy to see and take out if need be.

Overall I love this pattern and can see myself knitting another one.  This was a quick, fun, and easy project that took me less than two days of knitting to complete.  The pattern was easily memorizable, and the finished project is beautiful.
