Behind the Blog
Welcome to A Knitter's Dream. This is my personal blog/website where I will be sharing what I'm up to in my crafting world and just my daily life in general. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me
In a nutshell I'm a college student working towards a Bachelor's of Fine Arts with a concentration in Fibers. I work at a local fabric and yarn shop called Thread. I am the dyer behind A Knitter's Dream yarn. I'm an avid artist, knitter, photographer, sewist, bookworm, and geek. I'm also one of the ladies behind the Sweet Tea and Thread podcast!
Here I plan on posting updates on the projects that I'm working on, whether that's knitting, sewing, etc. I also plan on posting about my journey in college and some of the projects I am working on for classes. Basically this will be a personal blog about my journey as an artist! Updates to the blog will probably be few and far between as I live a busy lifestyle and I'm always on the run, but hopefully you will find some inpsiration and enjoyment from what I share.