Finished Projects: Bedroom Rug
Round Lake Rug
By: Bobbi Intveld
Yarn Used: Bernat Mega Bulky
Yardage Totals: 7 skeins = 448.0 yards (409.7 meters), 2,100 grams
Hook Size: Q (15.75mm)
Start Date: Jan. 1st, 2020
End Date: Jan. 2nd, 2020
Pattern Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yarn Rating:⭐⭐
This rug was made using acrylic yarn that I still had in my stash. It's been a while since I have bought acrylic yarn, but I found this particular one at my local dollar store a few years back and somehow still hung on to it despite clearing out a lot of stash yarn last year. I knew that I didn't want this yarn languishing any longer in my stash so I found a simple rug pattern and went to work!
As I was working on this pattern I decided that it wasn't going to be large enough for me (partially due to the fact that my yarn was not quite as bulky as the one they suggested using). This pattern is super easy to modify, and so with that in mind, I continued to add rows until I was satisfied with the size of the rug.
I do not expect this rug to hold up for a long time. It has been in my room for about a week and it's already pilling and shedding. However, this was a fun piece to work on that I'm hoping will at least last me for a couple of years. The reason I don't believe this rug will hold up is simply the type of yarn that I chose for the project. If I chose a rug yarn rather than a loosely spun acrylic yarn I'm sure that this rug would last a lot longer. But, like I said earlier, I am still happy with how this rug turned out and enjoy having it in my living space.
Would I recommend this pattern? Yes. This pattern is actually at an easy enough level that a beginner would be able to make this project with relative ease. It is a fast, and fun project to make for your home.
Would I recommend this yarn? Probably not. This yarn is very loosely spun, it is already shedding and pilling, and it isn't the best yarn to work with overall. Therefore, this would not be the first type of yarn I would recommend you buy for any of your projects that use extra bulky yarn. There are lots of other great options out there both on the more affordable and the higher end price range.
Will I make this pattern again? Yes, I would love to make another version of this rug. I will definitely be looking to make another one of these in the near future with more durable yarn.
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